HTML Character Entities

  Safe to use. Displays across all platforms, browsers and fonts.
  May not display properly. Specific fonts may not support all characters.
  May not display properly. Some browsers or platforms do not support these characters.
  &sp; 20 space
! ! ! 21 exclamation mark
" " " 22 double quotation mark
# # # 23 number sign
$ $ $ 24 dollar sign
% % % 25 percent sign
& & & 26 ampersand
' ' ' 27 apostrophe, single quotation mark
040 — 049
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
( ( ( 28 left parenthesis
) ) ) 2A right parenthesis
* * * 2B asterisk
+ + + 2C plus sign
, , , 2D comma
- ‐, − - 2E hyphen, minus sign
. . . 2F period, decimal point, full stop
/ / / 30 slash, virgule, solidus
0   0 31 digit 0
1   1 31 digit 1
050 — 059
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
2   2 32 digit 2
3   3 33 digit 3
4   4 34 digit 4
5   5 35 digit 5
6   6 36 digit 6
7   7 37 digit 7
8   8 38 digit 8
9   9 39 digit 9
: : : 3A colon
&#059; ; ; 3B semicolon
060 — 069
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#060; &lt; < 3C less-than sign
&#061; &equals; = 3D equal sign
&#062; &gt; > 3E greater-than sign
&#063; &quest; ? 3F question mark
&#064; &commat; @ 40 commercial at sign
&#065;   A 41 capital A
&#066;   B 42 capital B
&#067;   C 43 capital C
&#068;   D 44 capital D
&#069;   E 45 capital E
070 — 079
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#070;   F 46 capital F
&#071;   G 47 capital G
&#072;   H 48 capital H
&#073;   I 49 capital I
&#074;   J 4A capital J
&#075;   K 4B capital K
&#076;   L 4C capital L
&#077;   M 4D capital M
&#078;   N 4E capital N
&#079;   O 4F capital O
080 — 089
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#080;   P 50 capital P
&#081;   Q 51 capital Q
&#082;   R 52 capital R
&#083;   S 53 capital S
&#084;   T 54 capital T
&#085;   U 55 capital U
&#086;   V 56 capital V
&#087;   W 57 capital W
&#088;   X 58 capital X
&#089;   Y 59 capital Y
090 — 099
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#090;   Z 5A capital Z
&#091;   [ 5B left square bracket
&#092;   \ 5C backslash, reverse solidus
&#093;   ] 5D right square bracket
&#094;   ^ 5E spacing circumflex accent
&#095;   _ 5F spacing underscore, low line, horizontal bar
&#096;   ` 60 spacing grave accent, back apostrophe
&#097;   a 61 small a
&#098;   b 62 small b
&#099;   c 63 small c
100 — 109
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#100;   d 64 small d
&#101;   e 65 small e
&#102;   f 66 small f
&#103;   g 67 small g
&#104;   h 68 small h
&#105;   i 69 small i
&#106;   j 6A small j
&#107;   k 6B small k
&#108;   l 6C small l
&#109;   m 6D small m
110 — 119
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#110;   n 6E small n
&#111;   o 6F small o
&#112;   p 70 small p
&#113;   q 71 small q
&#114;   r 72 small r
&#115;   s 73 small s
&#116;   t 74 small t
&#117;   u 75 small u
&#118;   v 76 small v
&#119;   w 77 small w
120 — 129
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#120;   x 78 small x
&#121;   y 79 small y
&#122;   z 7A small z
&#123; &lcub; { 7B left brace (curly bracket)
&#124; &verbar; | 7C vertical bar
&#125; &rcub; } 7D right brace (curly bracket)
&#126; &tilde; ~ 7E tilde accent
&#127;    7F delete [DEL]
&#128;   80  
&#129;    81  
130 — 139
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#130; &lsquor; 82 low left rising single quote
&#131; &fnof; ƒ 83 small italic f, function of, f florin
&#132; &ldquor; 84 low left rising double quote
&#133; &hellip;, &ldots; 85 low horizontal ellipsis
&#134; &dagger; 86 dagger mark
&#135; &Dagger; 87 double dagger mark
&#136;   ˆ 88 letter modifying circumflex
&#137; &permil; 89 per thousand (mille) sign
&#138; &Scaron; Š 8A capital S caron or hacek
&#139; &lsaquo; 8B left single angle quote mark
140 — 149
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#140; &OElig; Π8C capital OE ligature
&#141;    8D  
&#142;   Ž 8E  
&#143;    8F  
&#144;    90  
&#145; &lsquo;, &rsquor; 91 left single quotation mark
&#146; &rsquo; 92 right single quote mark
&#147; &ldquo;, &rdquor; 93 left double quotation mark
&#148; &rdquo; 94 right double quote mark
&#149; &bull; 95 round filled bullet
150 — 159
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#150; &ndash;, &endash; 96 en dash
&#151; &mdash;, &emdash; 97 em dash
&#152; &tilde; ˜ 98 small spacing tilde accent
&#153; &trade; 99 trademark sign
&#154; &scaron; š 9A small s caron or hacek
&#155; &rsaquo; 9B right single angle quote mark (guillemet)
&#156; &oelig; œ 9C small oe ligature
&#157;    9D  
&#158;   ž 9E  
&#159; &Yuml; Ÿ 9F capital Y dieresis or umlaut
160 — 169
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#160; &nbsp;   A0 non-breaking space
&#161; &iexcl; ¡ A1 inverted exclamation mark
&#162; &cent; ¢ A2 cent sign
&#163; &pound; £ A3 pound sterling sign
&#164; &curren; ¤ A4 general currency sign
&#165; &yen; ¥ A5 yen sign
&#166; &brvbar;, &brkbar; ¦ A6 broken vertical bar
&#167; &sect; § A7 section sign
&#168; &die;, &uml; ¨ A8 spacing dieresis or umlaut
&#169; &copy; © A9 copyright sign
170 — 179
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#170; &ordf; ª AA feminine ordinal indicator
&#171; &laquo; « AB left (double) angle quote (guillemet)
&#172; &not; ¬ AC logical not sign
&#173; &shy; ­ AD soft hyphen
&#174; &reg; ® AE registered trademark sign
&#175; &macr;, &hibar; ¯ AF spacing macron (long) accent
&#176; &deg; ° B0 degree sign
&#177; &plusmn; ± B1 plus-or-minus sign
&#178; &sup2; ² B2 superscript 2
&#179; &sup3; ³ B3 superscript 3
180 — 189
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#180; &acute; ´ B4 spacing acute accent
&#181; &micro; µ B5 micro sign
&#182; &para; B6 paragraph sign, pilcrow sign
&#183; &middot; · B7 middle dot, centered dot
&#184; &cedil; ¸ B8 spacing cedilla
&#185; &sup1; ¹ B9 superscript 1
&#186; &ordm; º BA masculine ordinal indicator
&#187; &raquo; » BB right (double) angle quote (guillemet)
&#188; &frac14; ¼ BC fraction 1/4
&#189; &frac12;, &half; ½ BD fraction 1/2
190 — 199
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#190; &frac34; ¾ BE fraction 3/4
&#191; &iquest; ¿ BF inverted question mark
&#192; &Agrave; À C0 capital A grave
&#193; &Aacute; Á C1 capital A acute
&#194; &Acirc; Â C2 capital A circumflex
&#195; &Atilde; Ã C3 capital A tilde
&#196; &Auml; Ä C4 capital A dieresis or umlaut
&#197; &Aring; Å C5 capital A ring
&#198; &AElig; Æ C6 capital AE ligature
&#199; &Ccedil; Ç C7 capital C cedilla
200 — 209
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#200; &Egrave; È C8 capital E grave
&#201; &Eacute; É C9 capital E acute
&#202; &Ecirc; Ê CA capital E circumflex
&#203; &Euml; Ë CB capital E dieresis or umlaut
&#204; &Igrave; Ì CC capital I grave
&#205; &Iacute; Í CD capital I acute
&#206; &Icirc; Î CE capital I circumflex
&#207; &Iuml; Ï CF capital I dieresis or umlaut
&#208; &ETH; Ð D0 capital ETH
&#209; &Ntilde; Ñ D1 capital N tilde
210 — 219
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#210; &Ograve; Ò D2 capital O grave
&#211; &Oacute; Ó D3 capital O acute
&#212; &Ocirc; Ô D4 capital O circumflex
&#213; &Otilde; Õ D5 capital O tilde
&#214; &Ouml; Ö D6 capital O dieresis or umlaut
&#215; &times; × D7 multiplication sign
&#216; &Oslash; Ø D8 capital O slash
&#217; &Ugrave; Ù D9 capital U grave
&#218; &Uacute; Ú DA capital U acute
&#219; &Ucirc; Û DB capital U circumflex
220 — 229
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#220; &Uuml; Ü DC capital U dieresis or umlaut
&#221; &Yacute; Ý DD capital Y acute
&#222; &THORN; Þ DE capital THORN
&#223; &szlig; ß DF small sharp s, sz ligature
&#224; &agrave; à E0 small a grave
&#225; &aacute; á E1 small a acute
&#226; &acirc; â E2 small a circumflex
&#227; &atilde; ã E3 small a tilde
&#228; &auml; ä E4 small a dieresis or umlaut
&#229; &aring; å E5 small a ring
230 — 239
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#230; &aelig; æ E6 small ae ligature
&#231; &ccedil; ç E7 small c cedilla
&#232; &egrave; è E8 small e grave
&#233; &eacute; é E9 small e acute
&#234; &ecirc; ê EA small e circumflex
&#235; &euml; ë EB small e dieresis or umlaut
&#236; &igrave; ì EC small i grave
&#237; &iacute; í ED small i acute
&#238; &icirc; î EE small i circumflex
&#239; &iuml; ï EF small i dieresis or umlaut
240 — 249
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#240; &eth; ð F0 small eth
&#241; &ntilde; ñ F1 small n tilde
&#242; &ograve; ò F2 small o grave
&#243; &oacute; ó F3 small o acute
&#244; &ocirc; ô F4 small o circumflex
&#245; &otilde; õ F5 small o tilde
&#246; &ouml; ö F6 small o dieresis or umlaut
&#247; &divide; ÷ F7 division sign
&#248; &oslash; ø F8 small o slash
&#249; &ugrave; ù F9 small u grave
250 — 255
Numeric Name Symbol Hex Description
&#250; &uacute; ú FA small u acute
&#251; &ucirc; û FB small u circumflex
&#252; &uuml; ü FC small u dieresis or umlaut
&#253; &yacute; ý FD small y acute
&#254; &thorn; þ FE small thorn
&#255; &yuml; ÿ FF small y dieresis or umlaut